Welcome to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex’s first ever-BIG Online Holiday Auction!!!
During COVID-19, it has been a challenge to host our annual events and fundraise for our mentoring programs here at BBBSWE.
We have had to pivot our fundraising strategies to help us continue to serve nearly 500 children and youth in our mentoring programs.

The online auction will run from November 25, 2021 until December 15, 2021 @ 8:00 am. Please feel free to browse through our BIG Holiday Auction Items and help us to raise funds for so many children and youth in our mentoring programs.
Our BIG Holiday Auction is made possible by the generous sponsorship of WFCU.
All items that you bid on can be arranged for pick up at our Big Brothers Big Sisters office @ 3050 Jefferson Boulevard, Windsor, Ontario. There will be no shipping of items to the winning bidders. All items must be picked up. Pick up of items that you win must be arranged between December 16, 2021 until December 22,2021.

Any questions or to make arrangements to pick up an item that you won in the auction please see below:
Vicki Hedge, Resource Development Coordinator
Phone: 519-945-6232 ex.12
Email. vicki.hedge@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Happy Holidays to all!