Mentor of the Month – Feb 2025 – Kaden P

When I had first taken on the role as a mentor for Big Brothers, Big Sisters, I did not know what to expect. I was matched with Gabe, a curious but shy 7th grade boy who loved video games, and tv shows. During my first few months with Gabe, we developed a mutual appreciation for one another. I could tell he was a reserved kid, but I was impressed at the growth that I witnessed from him especially in the later months of the school year. When the weather was nice enough, Gabe and I began playing sports together which was an area that he was

not confident in his abilities. Throughout the spring, we played a multitude of sports including basketball, catch, and his favourite, soccer. The first time we played soccer, Gabe was hesitant to play and insisted that he was not good at the game, but in the following weeks, I watched as he would ask me to practice with him and improve his shot. By the end of the school year, Gabe had developed a powerful shot and was confident enough to ask other students if they wanted to join in the activity with us. This is when I realized how fulfilling the match program truly was. I was so proud of Gabe and his growth and was so happy to be a part of it.

This year, I decided that I would once again match with Gabe, as it was his final year in grade school and I wanted to continue with him until he graduated. This year, I quickly noticed Gabe’s maturity and calm demeanor. Our connection and friendship have become stronger, which has allowed us to create thoughtful conversation. Gabe and I have began talking about his upcoming transition to high school, which he was nervous about. As an individual who has experienced the highs and lows of high school, I was willing to talk to him about my experience. This is just one example of the mutual trust that has developed between Gabe and I. Last year, any instance of thoughtful conversation was often shut down by Gabe, but this year they are a regular occurrence.

I am very thankful for the opportunity to meet and connect with Gabe. He truly is a caring and kind-hearted boy that has so much potential in his future endeavours. He has an ability to bring joy to anyone that he is interacting with and to be able to witness his growth firsthand is such an honour. Although Gabe and I will part ways during his transition into high school, I am confident that he will find success in his teenage years. The experiences that Gabe and I were able to create and the memories of the last two years are ones that I will never forget! For me, the in-school match program was not just a regular program, it was an opportunity to develop a connection that helped me grow as a person.

Thank you for everything Gabe!