Bike Windsor Essex Donating Time and Expertise to Promote Bike Safety

WINDSOR – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex is excited to announce that on Saturday June 15th at 10:00 am, 50 children from one of the 7 youth mentoring programs delivered by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex (BBBSWE) will receive a new bike and helmet from Waste Connections of Canada Inc.
This donation was made possible through an annual fundraiser held by Waste Connections of Canada Inc.’s Windsor staff called the Christmas Promise Bike Build.

A new generation of cyclists are born!!
“This has been an incredible partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex, we believe strongly in environmental sustainability and understand that promoting active transportation at a young age is another way that we can invest in the well-being of our community and our children.” said Steve McArthur, District Manager at Waste Connections of Canada. “It was amazing to see how happy and excited the kids are to receive the bikes. I can’t thank our employees, suppliers and customers enough for allowing us to raise enough money to purchase 50 bikes and helmets for the children who are involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex organization.”
This year BBBSWE is excited to announce that Bike Windsor Essex (BWE) is participating as well to assist with properly “fitting” the bikes to the children as well as setting up a “Bike Rodeo” to help the children, parents/guardians and mentors develop a better understanding of bike safety. BWE Executive Director Lori Newton talked about the importance of providing children and youth the opportunity and skills to be safe on their bikes: “Cycling is an empowering, community-enriching, fun, environmentally sustainable, and active mode of transportation. Teaching children to ride their bicycles safely at a young age, sets them up for a lifetime of healthy, active living.”
As a leading child and youth mentoring organization in Windsor Essex, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens. Changing the course of these young lives can in turn change our community’s future!
“We are so grateful to Waste Connections of Canada for once again this year, choosing our organization and providing such a valuable gift to some of our children and youth,” said Becky Parent, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex said. “As Spring is finally here and summer approaches, we are thrilled to partner with Bike Windsor Essex to help ensure our children and youth will be able to safely enjoy this healthy, outdoor activity and increase their sense of independence and self-confidence. This generosity from both of these incredible community partners will have a lasting impact on our children and youth”.
Partnerships with organizations like Waste Connections of Canada Inc. and Bike Windsor Essex help Big Brothers Big Sisters provide opportunities to children that they might not be able to experience otherwise. There are many opportunities for companies, groups and organizations to get involved. They rely on the generosity and support of corporate sponsors, community partners, and individuals to help provide the funding and volunteers needed to run their mentoring programs and services.