Big Brothers Big Sisters is pleased to announce the support of Caesars Windsor Cares through a $20,000 donation to support volunteer training and engagement. The first ever BBBSWE Volunteer and Alumni Association will help support volunteers past and present to stay connected and current in their engagement with their mentees as well as BBBSWE as a whole. “Mentoring changes lives,” said Becky Parent, Executive Director. “And we have evidence of this demonstrated through the thousands of children and youth who have graduated from our program and are now happy, successful adults. But there are dozens still waiting she said. The easier we can make it for volunteers to join our organization, to deepen their knowledge and understanding of mentoring, the longer they will stay engaged with us and their mentee. Were so excited to launch this program which hopes to also attract new volunteers for waiting children and youth. Monthly networking and training sessions where mentors can bring a friend will most certainly help make this happen.” she said.

Susanne Tomkins, Public Relations & Communications Manager, centre, flanked by our Board
Board Chair, Danielle Bombardier explained — “Our community’s very future depends on how we support our young people this next decade. If we can provide what they need to make healthy lifestyle choices, avoid drug use and other risks, obtain their first part-time job and graduate to the trades and post-secondary, some of the challenges we see today may no longer be the case. A BIG thank you to Caesars Windsor Cares for their partnership in helping us be strategic and proactive.
“Caesars Windsor Cares is committed to strengthening our community where we live, work, and play,” said Susanne Tomkins, Public Relations & Communications Manager. “We know firsthand how impactful volunteers are for our community and are proud to support Big Brothers Big Sister’s Volunteer Training & Engagement program.”